Este Blog pretende ser el reflejo de lo que el "Máster en Comunicación y Educación en la Red: de la Sociedad de la Información a la Sociedad del Conocimiento" que estoy realizando, vaya proponiéndome.
El concepto de EMEREC pertenece al pedagogo J. Cloutier y pretende recoger en un único concepto al EMISOR y al RECEPTOR. Esa pretende ser mi propuesta de bitácora en este blog: recibir las propuestas de lecturas e investigaciones que partan de las diferentes asignaturas y a partir de ahí, convertirme en creadora de contenido, de información, de reflexión...

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

Sin enlace pero con las cosas muy claras " It´s ENOUGH"

Buceando por la  Red voy encontrando pequeñas piezas como ésta que me hace creer que mi objeto de análisis está cerca... cual cazadora en la selva que es como siento a veces Internet.
    Espacios virtuales donde las chicas abren los ojos y escriben sobre o contra lo que les proporcionan los medios masivos, diarios virtuales para decir lo que piensan , espacios vacíos con cientos de chicas como ellas para leer y asentir mientras leen...
   En esta selva, he perdido la referencia de este texto, así que espero que su autora sabrá perdonármelo...
"What is this mess if photographs I've made into a collage above? It's just images I've found on the internet of women, and men, saying ENOUGH with the negative media. Enough. It's girl power, and it's boy power. We live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by negative telling us who we SHOULD be. What we SHOULD look like. How we SHOULD dress. Who we SHOULD date. How much we SHOULD weigh. Let me touch on this for a moment..How much we SHOULD weigh? What's a good weight? Does wii fit know? Really...does it know what I should weigh, to feel "good about myself," or is it telling me when I get on the scale I need to weigh what it says in order for people to look at my body and not be mortified. Have you ever heard someone say, "She's a butta face." Everything looks good...butta face. That infuriates me....but it's the same thing when someone is viewed for only a face....only her face looks good, her body is despicable. Why? Is it because society says so? Continuing on my tangent...The magazines, newspapers, internet sites tell us what color our hair SHOULD be. What color eyes we SHOULD have. What face shape is MOST appealing. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of trying to look like someone I'm not, act like someone I wouldn't want to be friends with, and trying to emulate the cover of some bullshit magazine. I'm me, and I like me just as I am...and you SHOULD too.

Here are some websites I've come across lately...and I've enjoyed. Check them out:
Forget the media, what do they know anyway?

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